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How I doubled my Freelance income in 3 Months-It has surpassed my Day Job salary


Today I am really excited to tell you that now I am officially making more money through freelance. It has finally taken off. Before this, my income was a bit on the lower side and in some months it was also like I was not getting any work at all.

But It has been two months since I have seen this Positive curve in my Freelance Income. Let’s just hope it stays this way.

I have plans to double this income in the next three months now and I am working for it extra hard, days in and days out. I am more excited to get home and start working on the ideas to impact my income outside of my Job. And I am going to do this by putting out information products. Anyways, I will update you guys about that for sure but for now, let us talk about how I have doubled my freelance salary.


If you are looking forward to being a freelance graphic designer but you think the road is too risky and the competition is too high. You are wrong, there are a lot of clients in this world that you can reach easily from the comfort of your home through the internet. Now, it is even possible to generate not just by delivering direct services, you can generate a substantial amount of passive income as well. There are a lot of platforms like the creative market where you can make a product and sell it again and again which will make you money every time someone buys it. You just need to sit once to make it. Learn about all the ways through which you can make money as a graphic designer, I have written it in detail about multiple ways through which you can add to your income Read it here.

If I would break it down what are the things that I changed before this happened.

1. Made myself look more professional.

2. Started to deliver more than what was expected.

3. Got more attention.

It is simple guys to earn more you need to give more value to people. The more value you are going to put out you are going to receive it in the form of money or more opportunities. More people you are going to impact the more they are going to put the word about you, and they will come back for more. I cannot stress it more but if your main motivation is money things are going to be really hard. So think about something that you can be really passionate about making happen. I really love to do branding and design, and I want to design logos that would impact my customer’s business in a very positive way for the years ahead, and that’s what the driving force for me. When I work all of my clients feel that I am more passionate about my work than other people they might have met in the past. It has really helped me to stand out.

If you want yourself to be successful in the shortest time, by not beating around the bush when you don’t know the exact way to be a successful freelance you can read about the whole blueprint that I have written, it is about starting to make money in just one month. You would avoid a lot of dead ends and mistakes if you would follow this blueprint – become-a-money-making-freelancer-in-just-1-month


There are obviously people who are more talented than me, but I am more enthusiastic, energetic and passionate that is the reason I can work till 2:00 am in the morning after a long day at the office. It is a piece of cake for me because I feel really happy doing that. So, better find something that you can enjoy and work would never feel like work.


Now I am going to tell you how I achieved the above key points-

1. Made myself look more professional

I was searching through the internet and I was trying to find similar businesses who are doing really well. I tried to figure out “what are they doing differently?” and honestly it was painful to accept I was presenting myself in a shabby and very unprofessional way through my site, my work, my ads. Everything I was doing I was just putting too less time over it and I was giving myself the excuse that I do not have enough time. And I know a lot of us to do this mistake but trust me guys it will cost you more time, money and effort through something you haven’t put your 100% to, because to make it work you would have to put that time later that you are trying to save. And it will cost you delay in your dreams and success.

So, I worked on it and invested some time and it was done. The first thing, I did was better-looking ads, no time saving here guys. This is the very first thing that the client would judge you by before working with you. The more eyes will look at your ad if it is more attractive and compelling. Second thing, I changed my whole site. Every little detail of it. It is still not finished but It is looking way better than what it used to look.

There is a way of how you can talk to a client and make him feel more convinced and present yourself more of an expert, you should know the right questions to ask to help yourself as well as your client. You can read about four of the most insightful questions that I ask my clients, Read it here.

It was a little painful to remove something that I created, some illustrations, write-ups, etc. but I had to remove it because it was hurting my own branding. Sure it was looking awesome but you cannot win over the crowd of corporates standing in your crazy, funky Limited edition pajamas.

If your work is not professional enough, presenting yourself well won’t be any helpful. First, you need to make the best product then you move to package it well. Learn more, educate yourself to be better in your space. The most effective people on this planet are all the ones who never stop learning, that is the one thing which makes successful people stand out from the average ones.

If you want to learn about designing professional logos you can check out this blog that I have written, Read here.

So do what will give you a better conversion rate. Present yourself better. and improve it even more with time.


2. Started to deliver more than expected

Once I was working for a client and while I was saving up all the deliverables I stopped for a moment and I just thought I want to do something extraordinary with this. It was not for that client, but it was just for myself. To put it in my portfolio I presented it in a better way, I created more relevant and premium looking mockups for better representation, worked on the logo with more dedication to make it even more impactful just to put it out in the ad and last I packaged it nicely.

And man, my client was very convinced in my skills, was so sooo happy, and he started telling me how he loved every detail and my passion for my work. He could see something different. He never expected the delivery to be that way, he had already worked with a couple of designers and none of them he felt were this dedicated.

So, just by chance, I found the secret sauce that can be helpful for your success and can make you more trustworthy. Then I kept on practicing this with all of my clients, and they trust me more, the friction and heated discussions are very less because they know what I am doing is to help their business in the best way and not to just get rid of the clients by making the delivery.

Almost every successful person or motivational speaker I see talks about delivering more than what was expected, it works guys…it works.


3. Got more attention

The fight for the eyeballs is always ON. Around that busy lane, on that hoarding standing proudly on the side of the highway, in the newspaper, on the social media and so on. Wherever the eyes are going advertisers are following. It is a war in which brands are fighting for attention.

The rule is simple, the more people see and notice your brand, the better chances you have to success. The conversion rate can be better. You will engage more people. And hence, have a better presence in the market. Sometimes, things take a while to take off until you figure out the right way to do it. Just keep trying and you will get the hang of it.

As a freelancer, if you do not intend to make ads, you can hit one platform after another to gain more presence, but you should make sure you have got the ball rolling in the first platform after you move to the second one.

That’s it for now guys. I will be back with some important information that can be helpful for your freelance, or design business.

Thank you for putting your time in reading this I hope it was helpful. I would really appreciate some constructive feedback if you think something needs to be improved. Do comment.

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